I hope this finds you well and thriving.

I am inviting you to join me and a small group of others to explore the mystery of our ever present spiritual vitality! I am creating an introductory several part (to be determined) class in opening to the Spiritual Context in service to growing, learning, and awakening to the deeper spiritual awareness inside each of us.

While our spirituality is ever present and continually informing us, we do not always take the time to deepen in this awareness. Rather, we tend to relegate these glimpses of grace and ease as passing moments of sweetness, chance, or serendipitous bliss without taking the time to explore the source inside. Or, we ignore them altogether for the distractions of other activities or habits.

What might it be like to attune to these mysterious moments and learn to multiply them so that they become more of the standard so that we live and partake in the beauty of our wholeness more regularly? How can we use our life experiences to direct us to the greater understanding that we came to awaken and in awakening to understand and experience peace and loving as our true nature and identity?

With inner listening, guided meditation, and one-on-one conversations, our group will use what’s present in our current lives to allow transformation based on the collective inner reality that we are love and we came to bring love. We can access grace, discernment, and ease in choosing what serves ourselves, others, as well as spark a more clear spiritual activism for our communities and our world.

Come join us as we explore opportunities to:

*Attune to the Mystery
*Remember Our Wholeness
*Gain a deeper Understanding of our Soul’s Purpose
*Truly realize that We are here to Awaken

Opportunities to learn:

*Practical Tools to access the Spiritual Context
*Methods to multiply your Spiritual Experiences
*Access your Inner Voice/Counselor
*Making choices that align with your Soul’s Purpose
*Enhance Service to yourself, others and your greater Community

Access the Sacred:

*Experience Deep Silence
*Access Inner Listening
*Guided Meditation
*Individual and Group Sharing

The ideal class participants are those who may be–

*earnest about inner healing and revelation toward experiential spiritual inner awareness
*open to gaining a more purposeful intention to loving themselves and others
*open to sharing in a sacred environment with full participation and full responsibility for their experience
*open to new spiritual tools

About LuAnne:

I bring a lifelong reverence for the sacred, a gift of deep appreciation for mysticism however it presents itself; humor, as well as 25 years of spiritual practices, 20+ years of private practice in healing arts, a degree in Spiritual Psychology, as well as a Doctorate in Spiritual Science. I bring a gift for holding sacred space, an ability to observe the unity of our divine humanity, and a willingness to be present in order to be shown how to apply these things. I bring my training in transcendental leadership as a means of bringing my unfolding gifts and talents to action.

Come partake!

Introductory Class:

*December 12

*$175 per class

Please rsvp by December 1, 2021 to senasugar at gmail.